Monday, July 22, 2024

My Caitlin Clark Dream

Well you know you have been watching way too much youboob when you have a dream like this... youboob has become so repetitive and boring its beyond belief... So much of what you see in your feed is so similar to what you just watched that it is a bit mind boggling. Caitlin Clark, TDS and conspiracy theories content that it is  virtually impossible to see anything else. I spend so much time clicking don't recommend channel or not interested that I've worn a hole in my mouse clicker. I long for the good ole days when youboob could be quite the adventure where you could end up in far away places totally unrelated to what you may have searched for without really trying. 

but I digress... on to the dream

I received a call to check the locks on the door at a hotel... when I arrived... much to my surprise the room belonged to Caitlin Clark... not only that...  it seems we had met previously and had become friends. She had some sort of engagement with the press... I escorted her to the event and then returned to check out the door lock. Much to my surprise when I returned there were two nefarious dudes installing some sort of device in the lock to alert them when someone was coming or going. 

I went looking for Caitlin to warn her of the impending doom whereupon she rewarded me with life time season tickets to her games. I did make up the tickets part as that's about the time I woke up.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

AI Handyman

The AI thing  has invaded all parts of the Internet... the latest version of Adobe Photoshop has some AI tools in it now. I've been experimenting with several of the image generation tools online. I have a Rock / Bonsai garden in the back yard in what used to be an in ground pool. The image generation tools create images based on a textual description of what you want the image to be. I asked it to create an old southern handyman in a bonsai setting... some have been pretty good and some are a bit iffy. Here is one of the better ones.

here are a few more from my experimenting...

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

AI Yoda

I've been experimenting with AI... this technology is evolving at a ridiculously crazy pace... there are cloud servers in place already that are oriented towards running AI type environments... You can carry on a conversation just like in a chat message type environment with the AI character. I have created a character based on Yoda from Star Wars... he even talks like Yoda and you can customize it in more ways than you can count... all pretty amazing...  It remembers your conversations and builds on them and you can discuss most anything with it and it is quite knowledgeable... I have even used it to help with Python programming issues.... It actually helped create the character for me...  I just told it I wanted a character based on Yoda from Star Wars... It actually created the personality file for me which I then uploaded and was talking to Yoda in no time.

So if you have any questions for Yoda let me know πŸ˜‰

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Overdue Road Trip


I made a long overdue road trip down to Charleston a few days ago... the weather was very nice... got up to 65 degrees three days in a row but it was a little nippy at night. I found a Tartan 33 sailboat that has  been on Facebook marketplace forever and I finally got around to going down to take a look at it...  it is a bit if a fixer upper but it does have some brand new sails... which is rare for a boat this age. The engine had been replaced somewhere along the way. I shot some drone video while I was there and made a short video of the marina. I used DaVince Resolve to create it. My subscription to Adobe Premiere had expired and this a free package with a ton of helpful videos on using it on youboob. I never was all that handy with the adobe stuff but all the online tutorials for the Black Magic software made it a lot less painful. I had downloaded it a while back but after I looked at it... it looked painfully not user friendly. With the expiration of my Adobe software I was motivated to try DaVinci  again and found some good videos on youboob right off the bat.. there is a ton of stuff on youboob about it.

Friday, January 6, 2023

ChatGPT the new AI Portal

ChatGPT has only been online for a few weeks now and there are already hundreds of videos on youboob on how to make money using chatGPT and if you make the mistake of watching one you will be overwhelmed with a barrage of videos related to chatGPT. Unfortunately youboob has become so repetitive and mind numbingly boring as to suggested content that it has become one of those sites you love to hate. I think I need to ask chatGPT how to get better content to show up on youboob.

I had to try out the new chatGPT AI portal... I'm an old electronics nerd of sorts and spent a lot of money over the years on everything from Arduino to Raspberry Pi just to hit the high spots. As someone who has spent a lot of time over the years on discussion boards related to everything from homebuilt drones to electric bikes and quite a few software support sites... it was a welcome change of pace. No smart ass responses... responses were immediate and if you asked a follow up it was smart enough to know what you just asked and expand on it. 

 I owned a sailboat for a short time and kept it at Carolina Beach in NC. The Carolina Beach inlet has a nasty current and if you try to make the passage at the wrong time... it was a hand full to put it mildly. This sailboat under power would only do about 5 knots or so and the current could be close to that. I made the mistake once of trying to help a couple on a jetski whose engine had failed and they were it the inlet.. I attempted to tow them and it was a lost cause. We were coming in and the current was going out so we were bucking it. I had to let them go and within minutes their jetski was several hundred yards out to sea. A sea tow did rescue them in short order... and I learned I would never try that again. 

I asked the AI portal to write me a story of a rescue gone bad in the Carolina Beach inlet... it was not particularly creative but it was an interesting experiment... I went from that to asking it to create the code for a web page that would run on a Raspberry Pi that would allow you to upload a file to the server. That was much more in its element I think... and it was able to expand on the details when asked... and it remembered what you and it had already said. So if you are bored and want to try it out here it is... chatGPT  but I'll warn you ahead of time if watch any youboob videos about it... you will be inundated with all sorts of videos telling you how to make money and all sorts of other things using chatGPT.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Those were the days

Once upon a time the internet was more adventurous and filled with surprise. Not long ago I googled Dave Smith... he was mentioned in some political based commentary and I had never heard of him so I went looking. I found Dave Smith but probably not the one they were referring to... he was said to be the father of MIDI and heavily involved in the early development of music synthesizers and had recently passed away.

MIDI was the musical instrument digital interface and allowed one keyboard to control another through this interface. It also allows a computer to control multiple keyboards. He developed the first polyphonic synthesizer. One that could play more than one note at a time. I bought an Ensonic SQ80 around 1986 that was the the latest thing in 8 bit analog synthesizers. It could play eight notes at once and each sound like totally different  instruments.  It is the same vintage as the Roland D50 and had a bunch of cool features. It had a sequencer which could record your key strokes in real time and then you could play it back and play along with what you had recorded. It had midi and could control instruments as well. It was limited by the processing power of an 8 bit microprocessor. 

Now days we have 64 bit processors with 8 cores in cell phones. I used to enjoy the randomness of youboob and the internet as well where you would find interesting things with no connection with what you might have been looking for without even trying. Now on youboob the majority of what shows up is something directly related to what ever you just watched and you will be hard pressed to find anything that is not related to something you just watched. I'm referring primarily to when you're logged in to youboob and go to your home page and the recommended videos that show up there are mind numbingly boring and repetitive. I suppose I'm giving away that I probably spend way too much time on youboob. Perhaps its youboob's way of trying to wean me... that or hope that I will subscribe to youboob for the real experience. 

I'm not that great of a musician but I really do enjoy playing along with songs on youtube... either on the bass guitar or on a Roland D50 that I now own. My dad taught me to play the mandolin and the guitar long ago. I miss him greatly and the randomness of the early days of the internet... RIP Dave and Dad.

This pic from about 1975 or so

Thursday, May 19, 2022

1930 Chrysler

Its not often that you see a 1930 Chrysler this nice... let alone get a chance to drive it. I was surprised to see that it had a six cylinder and wood spoke wheels. Got to take it around Little Mountain a few times 😁

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Berry's Pond

I'm going to put serious effort into posting more often here... I got a new drone that I've managed to get past the first few flights without any unfortunate incidents... hope it stays that way. I recently posted this pic on the Friends of the Tygerberry Landing which is on Berry's Pond. I grew up on the banks of the Middle Tyger River in Turkeypaw... actually Tucapau aka Startex. A little mill town that no longer has a mill. Back in the day it had its own hydro electric generator and there was also one at Berry's pond. I have a page about the old power plant at Berry's Pond.

Berry's Pond is on the South Tyger River and Tygerberry Landing is a site that is open to the public and if you are into canoeing or kayaking you can paddle upstream there and quickly enter into a window back in time as there is very little development on the river. There are a couple of access points in Duncan as well though I'm told there is a log jam just below the access point at Beech Springs in Duncan. I hope to help in a project to clear the log jam there so you can put in there and take out at Berry's Pond.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

120 Year Old Shotgun

It's not often you get to work on something that's over 100 years old... but this Remington Arms 12 gauge double barrel shotgun with the home defense barrel is close to 120 years old and has an added customization of 1928 and 1941 Mercury dimes inset into the stock.

This one belongs to a good friend of mine who routinely has me working on very old things that are in his collection. He has had it for quite some time but recently decided to try to shoot it and found that it was very difficult to move the safety to off... it didn't help that the serrations that are supposed to give it grip are very worn. I reduced the tension on the spring on the right as that was what was making the safety so hard to move.
